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About Us

The key to our business is expertise

The key to our business is expertise. We understand the production processes and the technology that is available to improve efficiencies, and in turn profitability. We can take a look at your operation and recommend a solution that will meet your needs. A solution that cuts the cost of production and makes your operation much more productive.

Our specialty is Italian machinery and equipment. We work closely with a number of key specialist Italian suppliers, and represent them in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. Through an ongoing commitment to research, we keep abreast of new and emerging technologies so that we are always in a position to recommend the very latest equipment.

We have been in operation since 2004 and support our products with comprehensive installation, training and support services. This includes PLC (Program Logic Control) Industrial Main Cabinets, Electrical Mechanical and Pneumatic Logic.

Silos Indoor / Outdoor

Transport and Storage for Granular Products

Production Automation Devices

Industrial Components in Manufacturing Plants

Textile Machinery

Baking Machinery

Line Machinery for Baking

Food Processing Equipment

Pastry Ovens and Industrial Machinery

Measurement and Predetermination of Liquid


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Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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